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Northwestern Health Sciences University

Library Orientation

Use this guide to quickly learn about the services and resources the Greenawalt Library provides, including upcoming training, how to get help with writing, and getting started.

Installed Computer Software

The university and library offers software on library computers but not every computer has everything.  Below is a list of software that had to be downloaded and installed onto the computers.  While some of this software has a cloud component, cloud-only based software (like our circulation system) isn’t listed. 

ExamSoft/Examplify (testing software) 

Mosby's Review Questions for the NBCE Examination: Parts I and II. (Chiro Board Test Prep):  

  • The 4 computers on the table that is closest to the bookshelves.

  • CD-ROM:  There is a CD-ROM that can be uploaded to personal devices.  An external CD-ROM drive can be checked out at the front desk.  The CD-ROM can’t be uploaded to school computers without an admin password.  

Zotero (Citation management software) 

  • Available on all computers